News & Events

Research Activities

Visit to Johannesburg and Pretoria

July 26-29, 2017

On July 27, the delegation of ASC-TUFS visited the JICA South Africa office as well as the Embassy of Japan in Pretoria for discussing how to develop the inter-university relations between South Africa and Japan.

Then, we visited University of Pretoria and exchanged ideas with professors including Prof. Stephanie Burton (Vice-Principal of the university), Prof. Vasu Reddy (Dean, Faculty of Humanities), Prof. Maxi Schoeman (Deputy Dean, Faculty of Humanities), and Prof. Cycil Hartell (Academic Director of Centre for Japanese Studies), for the purpose of strengthening ties between the two universities. In particular, the possibility of joint research and student exchange were extensively discussed.

On July 28, we met Mr. Hiroyuki Nemoto (Executive Director) and Mr. Fumito Takahashi of JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) office in Johannesburg.