Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
Central Coordination Committee
Outline Activity Reports Recent Acquisition

South Asia, Research Collections on Microform edited by Henry Scholberg (*incomplete, C-DATS holding)

1 Binney, J.P Twenty-six years in Burmah: Record of the life and work of Joseph G.Binney. Philadelphia [1880]

2 Braidwood, J. True yoke-fellows in the mission field: the life and labours of the Rev. John Anderson and the Rev. Robert Johnston … London 1862

3 Caldwell, R. Reminiscences of Bishop Caldwell. Wyatt, J.L.. (Ed.) Madras 1894

4 Carey, E. Memoir of William Carey,late missionary to Bengal;… London 1836

5 Carey, W Biographical and literary notices…. London, Northampton 1886

6 Corrie, D. Memories of the Rev. Daniel Corrie, first Bishop of Madras; compiled chiefly from his own letters and journals by his brothers. London 1847

7 Clawford, D.G. Roll of the Indian Medical Service,1615-1930. London, Calcutta, Simla 1930

8 Day, L.B. Recollections of Alexander Duff,…, and of the mission college which he founded in Calcutta. London 1879

9 Dodwell and Miles. Alphabetical list of the Bombay Civil Servants, 1798-1839.   London 1839 191pp.  

10 Dodwell and Miles. Alphabetical list of the Madras Civil Servants, 1780-1838. London 1839 xxiv, 321pp.

11 Dodwell and Miles. Alphabetical list of the officers of the Indian Army,1760-1837 London 1838

12 Fox, G.T.A A Memoir of the Rev. Henry Watson Fox…, missionary to the Teloogo people, South India. London 1853 Ed. 4

13 Hodson, V.C.P. List of officers of the Bengal army,1758-1834 London 1927-1947 4vols.

14 Imhoff, G.W.van. Memoir left by Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff,governor and director of Ceylon to his successor W.M. Bruinink Translated by S. Pieters Colombo 1911 iv, 86pp.

15 Judson, E. Adoniram Judson,his life and labours. London 1883

16 Kennedy, J. Life and work in Benares and Kumaon 1839-1877. London 1884

17 Marshman, J.C. The life and times of Carey,Marshman,and Ward;embracing the history of the Serampore mission. London 1859 2vols.

18 Martin, W.F. Martin memorials: Life and work of William and Gavin Martin,missionaries in Rajputana, India. Edinburgh 1886

19 Mullens, J. Brief memorials of Alphonse Francois Lacroix???; with brief memorials of Mrs. Mullens, by her sister London 1862

20 Pearson, H. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev.C.Buchanan,??? Oxford 1817 2vols. Ed.2.

21 Pielat, J.Ch. Memoir left by Jacob Christiaan Pielat to his successor, Diederik van Domburg, 1734. Translated by S. Pieters Colombo 1905

22 Prinsep, C.C. Records of services of Madras civilians,1741-1838. London 1885

23 Prinsep, H.T. A general register of H.E.I.C. Civil Servants, Bengal Establishment, 1790-1842 Calcutta 1844

24 [Rouse, G.H.] A memoir of Lydia Miriam Rouse. Calcutta 1885

25 Russell, W.H My diary in India,in the year 1858-9. London 1860 2vos.

26 Steves,S.W. A half century in Burma; a memorial sketch of Edward Abiel Stevens. Philadelphia 1897

27 Thomson, W.Burns. A memoir of William Jackson Elmslie...,late medical missiomary,C.M.S.,Kashmir. London 1881 Ed.3.

28 Wardlaw, R. Memoir of the late Rev. John Reid..., of Bellary, East Indies: comprising incidents of the Bellary mission, for a period of eleven years, from 1830-1840. Glasgow 1845

29 Wayland,F.A A memoir of the life and labours of the Rev.Adoniram Judson, D.D. London 1853 2vols.

30 Weitbrecht, M. Memoir of the Rev.John James Weitbrecht...,comprehending a history of the Burdwan mission. London 1854 Ed.2.

31 Willson, A.M. The lives of Mrs.Ann H.Judson, Mrs. Sarah B. Judson, and Mrs. Emily C. Judson, missionaries to Burmah. New York, Auburn: Millez, Orton & Mulligan 1854

32 Winslow, M. Memoir of Miss Harriet L. Winslow, thirteen years a member of the American Mission in Ceylon. New York 1840

33 British Museum. Index-Catalogue of Indian Official Publications in the Library of the British Museum. Campbell, F.B.F. (Comp.) London 1900

34 Campbell, F.B.F. An index-catalogue of bibliographical works (chiefly in the English language) relating to India. A study in bibliography. London 1897 99pp.

35 Dewar, D. A hand-book to the English Pre-Mutiny Records in the Government Record Rooms of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. Allahabad 1920

36 Eckford Luard, C. A bibliography of the literature... the Central India Agency ... London 1908

37 El'manovich, S.D Zakony manu.(Trudy Obshchestva russkikh orientalistov.Spb,1913.V.1)

38 Grant, A. Catalogue of native publications in the Bombay Presidency up to 31st December,1864.   Bombay 1867 Ed.2., 35, 239pp  

39 Index to events relating to India and the East referred to in the "The Times"between the years 1850 and 1889 inclusive. London 1893

40 Mironov, N.D. Katalog indiiskikh rukopisei Rossiisskoi Publichnoi biblioteki. Sobranie I.P. Minaeva i nekotorye drugie. Pg., 1918 Catalogues some of the manuscripts from India in teh Saaltykov-Shchedrin Library (GPB)

41 Mironov, N.D. Katalog indiiskikh rukopisei. Catalogues codicum manuscriptorum Indicorum qui in Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum Petropolitanae Museo Asiatico asservantur (Katalogi Aziatskogo muzeia Imp. Akademii nauk. Pg., 1914. V.1). Description of manuscripts in several Indian languages, now in teh St. Petersburg Branch of teh Institute of Oriental Studies.

42 Murdoch, J. Classified catalogue of Tamil printed books, with introductory notices. Madras 1865 ix, v, ci, 287pp.

43 Murdoch,J. and J, Nicholson. Classified catalogue of printed tracts and books in Sinhalese. Madras 1868

44 Vocabulary. Sanskrit-Tibetan-English.Calcutta. (Mem. Asiatic Soc. Of Bengal. .4(1-2)). Calcutta 1910, 1916 An edition and translation of the Mahavyutpatti by Alexander Csoma de K?r?s

45 Bunker, A. Sketches from the Karen Hills... New York,Chikago,Toronto.London.Edinburgh 1910

46 Campbell, W. British India, in its relation to the decline of Hindooism and the progress of Christianity: containing remarks on teh manners, customs & literature of teh people; ... London 1858

47 Forbes, C.J.F.S. British Burmah and its people, being sketches of antive manners, customs and religion. London 1878

48 Giberne, C.C. Portraits of schoolgirls and other persons in South Indeia. N.p. N.d. Handwritten

49 India, Census of the Island of Bombay taken 2nd February 1864. Leith, A.H.(Ed).   Bombay 1864  

50 Iyer, L. Anantha Krishna, Diwan Bahadur. The Mysore tribes and castes. Bangalore 1928-1935 4vols.

51 Malab?ri, B.M. Gujarat and the Gujaratis: pictures of men and manners taken from life. Bombay 1884 Ed.2.

52 Man, E.H. On the aboriginal inhabitants of the Andaman islands London 1885

53 Owen, J. Notes on the Naga tribes,in communication with Assam. Calcutta 1844

54 Peggs, J. India's cries to British humanity,relative to the Suttee, infanticide, Brotish connection with idolatry, Ghaut murders, and slavery in India. London 1830 Ed.2. Revised and enlarged edition

55 Pennell, T.L. Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier,a record of sixteen years' close intercourse with the natives of the Indian marches. London 1909 Ed.2.

56 Young, M. Among the woman of the Punjab... London 1916

57 Andrade, J.I. Cartas escriptas da India e da China nos annos de 1815 a 1835…. Lisboa: Na Imprensa Nacional 1843 2vols. Andrade, J.I. De (1780-1833). Intellectual correspondence with his wife, much of it on Chinese matters. Illustrations include portraits of Saoqua and Cha-Amui, presumably compradores

58 Annesley, G. Voyages and travels to India… Londini 1809 3vols. Text, 1vol. Plus

59 Baldaeus, P. Naauwkerige beschryvinge van Malabar en Choromandel, derzelver aangrenzende rijcken, en het machtige Eyland Ceylon. Nevens een omstandige en grondig doorzochte ondekking en wederlegginge van de afgoderye der Oost-Indische Heydenen. Amsterdam: J.J. van Waasberge and J. van Someren 1672

60 Baldaeus, P. Wahrhaftige ausf?hrliche Beschreibung der ber?hmten Ost-Indischen Kusten Malabar und Coromandel, als auch der Insel Zeylon: samt dero ang?nzenden und untergeh?rigen Reichen... Benebst einer umst?ndlichen und gr?ndlichen Entdeckung der Abg?tterey der Ost-Indischen Heyden, ... Amsterdam: J.J. van Waasberge and J. van Someren 1672

61 B?langer, C.P. and J.B.G.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent Voyage aux Indes Orientales par le nord de l'Europe les provinces du Caucase,la G?orgie, l'Arm?nie et la Perse, suivi de d?tails ... Sur les P?got, les ann?es 1825-1829. Paris 1833-1877 Belanger,C.P.(1805-1881)and J.B.G.M.Bory de Saint-Vincent(1778-1846), Botanique. Cryptogamie.

62 Berncastle, J. A voyage to China; inculuding a visit to the Bombay presidency; teh Mahratta country; the Cave temples of western India, Singapore, the straits of Malacca and Sunda and teh Cape of Good Hope... London: William Shoberl 1850 2vols Berncastle, J. (?-1870). Berncastle visited Hong Kong, Canton and Macao

63 Bernier, F. Voyages de Fran?ois Bernier contenant la description des ?tats du Grand Mogol,de l'Hindoustan ,du royaume de Kachemire, ... Amsterdam:P.Marret 1699 2vols.

64 Bull, L.C. Survey operations in undministrated areas of Assam and Burma, 1935-1936. Report.

65 Burnes, A. Travels into Bokhara; being the account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary and Persia;also, narrative of a voyage on the Indus, ... London 1834 3 vols.

66 Burrard, S.G. and H.H. Hayden A sketch of the geography and geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet. Calcutta 1907-1908

67 Butler, J. Travels and adventures in the province of Assam, during a residence of fourteen years. London 1855

68 Butler, J.A. Sketch of Assam, with some account of the hill tribes. London 1847

69 Conway, W.M. Climbing and exploration in the Karakoram-Himalayas. London 1894

70 Cotteau, E. Promenade dans l'Inde et ? Ceylan. Paris 1880 432pp., map.

71 Cox, H. Journal of a residence in the Burmhan Empire, and more particularly at the Court of Amarapoorah. London 1821

72 Dalrymple, A. Memoir concerning the passages to and from China. London 1782-1791 28pts. Dalrymple, A. (1737-1808)

73 Dobbs, R.S. Reminiscences of life in Mysore, South Africa and Burmah. Dublin, London 1882

74 Durand, A. The making of a frontier. Five years' experiences and adventures in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar ... London 1882

75 Elliott, R. Views in India, China, and on the Shores of the Red Sea; ... London: H. Fisher, R. Fisher & P. Jackson 1835 2vols. Elliott, R. (1801-1875)

76 Elwin, E.F. Indian jottings from ten years' experience in and around Poona City.   London 1907  

77 Fedrici, C. de. Viaggio di M. Cesare de I.. Fredrici nell' India Orientale et, oltra l'India: ... Edited and enlarged by B. Dionigi da Fano Venetia: Andrea Muschio 1587

78 Francis, W. South Arcot District Gazetter. Madras 1906 ix, 450pp.

79 Fraser, J.B. Journal of a tour through part of the snowy range of the Him?l? Mountains and to the sources of the rivers Jumna and Ganges. London 1820

80 French, C.J. Journal of a tour in upper India; performed during the years 1838-39. Simla 1872

81 Fytche, A. Burma past and present with personal reminiscences of the country. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co. 1878 2vols

82 Gemelli Careri, G.F. A voyage round the world,.. containing the most remarkable things in Turky,Persia,India,China,the Philippine-Islands and New-Spain. (Churchill, A. and J. Churchill. A collection of voyages and travels, V.4) London 1704 Gemelli Careri, G.F. (1651-1725). The section on China is at p.289-415. He visited Macao and Canton, and went up overland via Nanchang and Nanking to Peking, in 1695-1696. Much observation, meetings with missionaries, etc. 3 engravings of processions.

83 Gould, E.M.E.Baring. With note-book and camera. A winterjourney in foreign lands. London 1901

84 Grueber,J. and A.Dorville, Voyage ? la Chine. (Th?venot, M. Relations de divers voyages curieux.. V2.) Paris 1696 Grueber,J. (1623-1680). The account contains narratives of a journey from Macao to north China, and one from Sinkiang southwards via Tibet and Nepal to India.

85 Guinness, L.E. Across India at at the dawn of the 20th century. London 1898

86 Haussmann, A. Voyage en Chine,Cochinchine,Inde et Malaisie… Paris: Desessart 1847-1848 3vols. Haussmann, A. (1815-?). Travels in China, Cochinchina, India and Malaya. Geographical information on China and detail of its trade.

87 Hearn, G. The seven cities of Delhi. Calcutta 1928

88 Heber, R. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825 (With notes upon Ceylon), an account of a journey to Madras adn the southern provinces, 1826, ....   London: John Murray 1928 Ed2. 3vols.  

89 Herbert, T. Relation du voyage de Perse et des Indes Orientales. Paris 1663 Avec les revolutions arriv?e au Royaume de Siam l'an mil six cens quarante-sept

90 Herbert, T. Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique. Describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian, and Great Mogull: … As also, many rich and spatious kingdomes in Orientall India and other parts of Asia; … London 1638 Rivised and enlarged edition

91 Hodges, W. Travels in India during the years 1780-1783. London 1794

92 Home, [W.] Select views in Mysore,…from drawings taken on the spot..; with historical descriptions. London 1794

93 Horsburge, J. Memoirs: comprising the navigation to and from China, by the China Sea,and through the various straits and channels in the Indian Archipelage; also the navigation of Bombay harbour. London: C. Mercier and Co. 1805

94 Huemmerich, F. Die erste deutsche Handelsfahrt nach Indien 1505/06… M?nchen, Berlin 1922

95 Innes, C.A. Madras District Gazetteers [Madras manuals]. Malabar and Anjengo. Evans, F.B. (ed.) Madras 1908

96 Jacquemont, V. Voyage dans l'Inde,…pendant les ann?es 1828 ? 1832… Paris [1835-]1844 4vols., atlases

97 Jekins, F.and R.B.Pemberton. Tour in Arracan 1831

98 Jervis, H. Narrative of a journey to the Falls of the Cavery; with an historical and descriptive account of the Neilgherry Hills. London 1834

99 Johnson, J. A journey from India to England through Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland and Prussia, in the year 1817. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1818

100 Johnson, J. The oriental voyager; or, Descriptive sketches and cursory remarks, on a voyage to India and China, in his Majesty's ship Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5-6. London 1807

101 Lawrie A. Campbell. A gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon. (Excluding Walapane). Colombo 1896-1898 2vols

102 Lumsden, T. A journey from Merut in India,to London, Through Arabia, Persia, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Austria, Switzerland and France during the years 1819 and 1820. London 1822

103 Manuzio, A. Viaggi fatti da Vinetia ,alla tana ,in Persia, in India, et in Constatinopoli;… Vinegia: Nelle Case de'Figli 1545

104 Mateer, S. "The land of charity": a descriptive account of Travancore and its people, with especial reference to missionary labour. London 1871

105 McMillan, A.W. Jungle pioneering in Gondland. London 1906

106 Mills, J.P. Tour diaries and articles on Assam. 1924-1936 Manuscript and typescript

107 Mills, J.P. Tour notes by J.P.Mills. [Shilong] 1943-1946 4pts.

108 Mitchell, Mrs.J.Murray. In India: sketches of Indian life and travels from letters and journals. London 1876

109 M?llbauer, M Geschichte der katholischen Missionen in Ostindien von der Zeit Vasco da Gama's bis zur Mitte des achtzenten Jahrhunderts. M?nchen 1851

110 Nagame, A.V. The Travancore State Manual. Trivandrum 1906 3vols.

111 Nelson, J.H Madura country. A manual. Madras 1868

112 Palmer, J.W. Up and the Irrawaddi; or the Golden Dagon. New York 1859 Being passages of adventure in the Burman Empire. New and revised edition.

113 Pemberton, R.B. Report on the eastern frontier of British India,…. Calcutta 1835-1838 With a map of the eastern frontier of British India with adjacent countries extending to Yunan in China.

114 Pennant, T. The view of India extra Gangem, China; and, Japan. London: Luke Hansard 1800 Attractive pragmatic account, stron on economics and natural history

115 Poser und Gross Nedlitz, H.von Lebens und Todesgeschichte, worinnen das Tagebuch einer Reise von Constantinopel aus durch die Bulgaren, Armenien, Persien und Indien…Jehna:S.Krebsen,1675 Jehna: S. Kresben 1675

116 R?musat, J.P.A. Fo? Kou? Ki; ou, relation des Royaumes Bouddiques: voyage dans la Tartarie, dans l'Afghanistan et dans l'Inde, ex?cut?, a ;a fin du IVe si?cle, par Chy fa Hian. Paris: l'Imprimerie Royale 1836

117 Renaudot, E. Anciennes relations des Indes et de la Chine, de deux voyageurs Mhometans, qui y allerent dansle neuvi?me siecle. Paris: Jean-Baptiste Coignard 1718 Renaudot, E. (1646-1689). Accounts of India and China by two 9th century Moslem travellers. Cordier quotes a contemporary opinion to the effect that they were published at least partly as a counter to alleged Jesuit exaggerations about or falsificaitons of Chinese Matters.

118 Roberts, E. Notes of an overland journey thriough France and Egypt to Bombay…With a memoir.   London 1841  

119 Schlagintweit,E. Indien in Wort und Bild. Eine Schilderung des Indischen Kaiserreiches. Leipzig 1880 2vols., ills.

120 Schlagintweit, M.A. and Results of a scientific mission to India and High Asia, undertaken between the years 1854 and 1858, … London 1861-1863 4vols., atlas. Because of the extraordinary size of the atlas, it was impossible to film it.

121 Selection of papers regarding the Hill Tracts between Assam and Burmah and on Brahmaputra. N.p. 1873 335pp.

122 Spencer, G.T. Journal of a visitaton-tour in 1843-4,through part of western portion of his dioces. London 1845

123 Sterling, A. and J.Peggs. Orissa: it's geography,statistics…; to which is added a history of the General Basptist Mission established in the province. London 1846

124 Stuys, J. Les voyages de Jean Stuys, en Moscovie, en Tartarie ,en Perse, aux Indes,& en plusieurs autres pa?s ?trangers; … Amsterdam 1718-1720 3vols.

125 Suau, P. L'Inde Tamoule. Nos missions Fran?aises. Paris 1901 248pp.

126 Tavernier, J.B. Les six voyages de Jean Baptiste Tavernier, Chevalier Baron d'Aubonne, qu'il a fait enTurquie,en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant l'espace de quarante ans, & par toutes les routes que l'on peut tenier … Paris: Gervais Clouzier 1682 2vols. Tavernier, J.B. (1605-1689)

127 Th?venot,J. Voyages de Mr. de Th?venot tant en Europe qu'en Asia & en Afrique…. Paris; Chales Angot 1689 3pts.

128 Toreen, O. Voyage de mons. Olof Tor?e, Amonier de la Compagnie Suedoise des Indes Orientales, fait ? Surate, ? la Chine & c. depuis le pr?mier Avrill 1750, jusq'au 26. Juin 1752. Milan: Les fr?res Reycends 1771 Toreen, O. (1718-1753)

129 The travels of serveral learned missioners of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China ,and America. London: R. Gosling 1714 Specific information about Natives from around Hudson's Bay (Cree, etc.), and those from "Accadia" (Micmac, Abnaki, etc.).

130 Turner ,S. An account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet… to which are added, views taken on the spot … and observations botanical, mineralogical, and medical. London 1800

131 Tyerman, D. and G. Bennet. Journal of voyages and travels …to…the South Sea Ialand, China, India H&C., between the years 1821 and 1829. Montgomery, J. (comp.) London 1831 2vols.

132 Valentijn, F. Oud en nieuw Oost-Indien, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyd in die gewesten,…Dordrecht,Amsterdam: Dordrecht, Amsterdam: J. van Braam and G. onder de Linden 1724-1726 5vols. Valentijn, F. (1666-1727).

133 Valle, P. della Viagi di Pietro della Valle il Pelle grino descritti da lui medisimo in [54] lettere familiari [da diversi luoghi…clo? la Turchia, la Persia e l'India,…] Roma 1657-1663 4vols. Valle, P. della (1586-1652). Missing: pt.1.

134 Varthema, L. di. The travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia deserta, and Arabia felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, a.d. 1503 to 1508. Translated by J. Winter and edited by G.P. Badges. London 1863

135 Velarde, P.M. Geographia historica. Tomo vii. De Persia, del Mog?l, de la India; y sus Reynos, de la China, de la grande Tartaria, de las islas de la India, y del Jap?n… Madrid: Manuel de Moya 1752 Historical geography of Aisia, including China and Grand Tartary.

136 Wathen, J. Journal of a voyage in 1811 and 1812, to Madras and China; returning by the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena; … London: J. Nichols, Son, and Bentley 1814 Wathen, J. (1751-1828)

137 Wood, J. A personal narrative of a journey to the source of the river Oxus, by the route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakhshan, performed under the sanction of India,in the years 1836, 1837, and 1838. London 1841

138 Arthus, G. Historia Indiae Orientalis,… Coloniae Agrippinae 1608

139 Bai?o, A. Inquisi??o de Goa, correspond?ncia dos inquisidores da India, 1569-1630 Coimbra 1930-1945 2vols.

140 Belon, P. Les observations de plvsievrs singvlaritez & choses memorables, trouu?es en Grece, Asia, Ind?e, Egypte, Arabie, & autres pays estranges, … Paris 1555

141 Bocarro, A. D?cade 13 da hist?ria da India. Lima Felner, R.J. de (Ed.) Lisboa 1876 2 parts.

142 Cordeiro, L. Batalhas da India. Cosmo se perdeu Ormuz. Lisboa 1896

143 Corner, J. The history of China and India,… London 1847 iv, iii, iii, [1], iii, [1], 402pp. Lithographed copies of paintings by Poshan (neo-classic) and Piqua (major towns and ports). Miss Corner was a prolific writer of childres's books.

144 Correa, G. Lendas da India. Lima Felner, R.J. de (Ed.) Lisboa 1858-1866 4vols.

145 Cossim. Considerations on the danger and impolicy of laying open the trade with India and China;… London 1812 [4], 218pp.

146 Crawfurd, J. Journal of an embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava, in the year 1827. London 1829 With an appendix, containing a desription of fossil remains, by Professor Buckland and Mr. Clift.

147 Fitzler, M.A.H. Ceil?o e Portugal o c?rco de Columbo,… Coimbra 1928

148 Jarric, P.du. Histoire des choses plus memorables advenues tant des Indes Orientales… Bordeaux 1608-1614 3vols.

149 Kaeppelin, P. Les origines de l'Inde fran?aise. Paris 1908

150 Keith, A.B. (Ed.) Speeches and ducument on India policy,1750-1921. Oxford 1922 2vols

151 Lafitau, J.F. Histoire des d?couvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le noveau monde. Paris: Saugrain P?re, Jean-Baptiste Coignard 1733 2vols.

152 Le Bon, G. Les civilisations de l'inde. Paris 1887 Ills., maps.

153 L?vi, S. Le N?pal, ?tude historique d'un royaume Hindou. Paris 1905-1908 3vols.

154 Lima Felner, (Ed.) Subsidios para a hist?ria da India Portugu?sa. Lisboa 1868 1. O livro dos pesos, medidas e moedas, por Ant?nio Nunes. 2. O Tombo do Estado da India, por Sim?o Bothelho. 3. Lembran?as das cousas da India em 1525.

155 Lopes de Castanheda, F. Historia dell' Indie Orientali,… Venetia: Apresso Giordano Ziletti 1577-1578 2vols. Lopes de Castanheda, F. (?-1559). History of Portuguese discoveries and colonization. It contains a good deal on Portuguese contacts with China.

156 Lopes de Castanheda, F. Hisoria do discobrimento e conquista da India pelos Portuguses. Lisboa 1833 8vols. Lopes de Castanheda, F. (?-1559). Revised and enlarged edition.

157 Nisbet, J. Burma under British rule - and before. London 1901 2vols.

158 O'Conner, V.C. Scott Mandalay and other cities of the past in Burma. Lonodn 1907 xx, 430pp., pls., maps, plans

159 Peggs, J. A voice from China and India, relative to the evils of the cultivation and smuggling of opium:… London 1846 90pp.

160 Phayre, A.P. Hisory of Burma including Burma proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan. London 1883 From the earliest time to the end of the first war with British India.

161 Pieris, P. Ceylon and Portugal. Part I: Kings and Christians, 1539-1552. Leipzig 1927

162 Pridham, C. An historical, political and statistical account of Ceylon and its dependencies. London 1849 2vols.

163 Ribeiro, J. Fatalidade hist?ria de Ceil?o. Lisboa 1836

164 Rousselet, L. India and is native Princes. Travels in Central India and in the Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal. Reivsed and edited by Lieut. Col. Buckle London 1876

165 San Rom?n de Ribadeneyra, A. Historia general de la Yndia Oriental. Valladolid: Luis Sanchez acosta de Diego Perez 1603 General history of Portuguese discoveries and conquests in Brazil, Africa and Asia.

166 Sangermano, V. The Burmese Empire a hundred years ago. Westminster 1893 With an introduciton and notes by J. Jardine, judge of Her Majesty's High Court of Judicature at Bombay.

167 Wheeler, J.T. Memorandum on the records of the Home Department. Calcutta 1868 118pp.

168 Zwaardecroon, H. Memoir of Hendrick Zwaardecroon,Commandeur of Jaffnapatam, 1697… Translated by S. Pieters Colombo 1911

169 Gu?rinot, A. R?pertoire d'?pigraphie Jaina pr?ced? d'une esquisse de l'histoire du Jainisme d'apr?s les inscriptions. Paris 1908 vvii, [1], 311pp.

170 Irving, M. A list of inscriptions on Christian tombs or monuments in the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Kashmir and Afghanistan; posessing historical or archaeological interest. With a historical introduction. (Indian Mon. Inscriptions, V.III, pt.1). Lahore 1910 210pp.

171 Bibliografiia Iugo-Votochnoi Azii. Dorevoliutsionnaia i sovetskaia literatura na russkom iazyke,original'naia i perevodnaia. Grishina, A.M. (Comps.) M 1960

172 Dalgado, S.R. Dialect Indo-Portugu?s de Ceyl?o. Lisboa 1900

173 Cleghorn, H.F.C. The forests and gardens of South India. London 1861 xiv, 412pp., 13pls. maps.

174 Dixon, H.N Report on the mosses of the Abor Expedition, 1911-1912 (records of the Bot. Survey of India, 1914. V.6 (3, p.76-89)).

175 Abbs, J. Twenty-two years' missionary experience in Travancore. London, Dewsbury 1870

176 Avalon, A. The Serpent Power :being the Shatchakra-rirupana and P?duk?-panchaka. Two works on Tantrik yoga,… London 1919 Translated from the Sanskrit, with introduciton and commentary by A. Avalon

177 Bartoli, D. Dell'istoria della Compagnia di Ges? l'Asia. Torino 1825 2vols.

178 Blair, G.W. Station and camp life in the Bheel Country. A brief history of the origin, aims, and operations of the Irish Presbyterian Jungle Tribes' Mission, … Belfast 1906

179 Buchanan, C. Christian researches in India,… to which are prefixed, a memoir of the author, and an introductory sketch of Protestant missions in India:… London 1840

180 Buyers, W. Recollections of Northern India; with observations on the origin, customs and moral sentiments of the Hindoos, and remarks on the country … of the Ganges … London 1848

181 Chamberlain, J. The cobra's den and other stories of missionary work among the Telugus of India. Edinburgh, London 1900

182 Chamberlain,J. In the tiger jungle, and other stories of missionary work among the Telugus of India. Edinburgh, London 1897

183 Christian missions and government education in India. Review of a letter… London 1858

184 Cochrane, H.P. Among the Burmans. A record of fifteen years of works and its fruitage. New York, Chicago, Toronto, London, Edinburgh 1904

185 Cook, T. Days of God's right hand, our mission tour in Australasia and Ceylin. London 1896

186 Dawson, E.C. (Ed.) In and out of Chanda: Being an account of the mission of the Scottish Episcopal Church …; and Indian folklore stories. Edinburgh 1906

187 Duff, A. India ,and India missions: including sketches of the gigantic system of Hinduism… Edinburgh 1839

188 Fenger, J.F. History of the Tranquebar mission… Tranquebar 1863 Translated into English from German, compared with the Danish original.

189 Fenicio, J. The 'Livro da seita dos Indios Orientais'… Uppsala [1933]

190 Gangooly, J.C. Life and religion of the Hindoos. London 1860

191 Garbe, R. Vait?na S?tra. Strassburg 1878 116pp.

192 Gouvea, F.A. Iornada do Arcebispo de Goa Dom Frey Aleixo de Menezes Primaz de India Oriental… Coimbra: Diogo Gomez Loureyro 1606 Important source for Christianity in Socotra and the St. Thomas Christians

193 Hall, G. Anecdotes of the Bombay mission for the conversion of the Hindoos…   London 1836  

194 Harband, B.M. The pen of Brahm? peeps into Hindu hearts and homes. Edinburgh, London 1905

195 Harvard, W.M. A narrative of the establishment and progress of the mission to India and Ceylon… London 1823

196 Hoole, E. Madras, Mysore, and the south of India; or A personal narrative of a mission to those countries: from MDCCCXX to MDCCCXXVIII. London 1844 Ed.2

197 Josson, H. La mission du Bengale Occidental ou archidioc?se de Calcutta. Bruges 1921 2vols.

198 Judson, A.H. An account of the American Baptist Mission to the Buman Empire:… London 1823 In a series of letters, addressed to a gentleman in London

199 Leupolt, C.B. Further recollections of an Indian missionary. London 1884

200 [Lloyd], H. Hindu women: with glimpses into their life and zenanas. London 1882

201 Mackenzie, [H.]. Life in the mission, the camp, and the zen?n?; or, Six years in India. London 1854 2vols. Ed.2.

202 Mateer, S. The Gopel in South India; or, The religious life, experience, and character of the Hindu Chistians. London [1880]

203 Missionary records. China, Burmah, Ceylon ,&c .&c. London: the Religious Tract Society 1799

204 Mitchell, Mrs. J. Murray. In Southern India, a visit to some of the chief mission stations in the Madras Presidency. London 1885

205 Mitchell, Murray,J. In western India, recollections of my early missionary life. Edinburgh 1899

206 Mullens, J. Abrief of ten years'missinary labour in India between 1852 and 1861. London 1864

207 Mullens, J. A brief sketch of the present position of Christian missiond in northern India, and their progress during the year 1847. Compiled from recent missionary reports and letters … Calcutta 1848

208 Mullens, J. Missions in South India visited and described. London 1854

209 [Mullens, J.] The results of missionary labour in India. London 1852

210 Rice, H. Native life in South India; being sketches of the social and religious characteristics of the Hindus. London n.d.

211 Russell, N. Vilage work in India, pen pictures from a missionary's experience. London, Edinburgh n.d.

212 Sendtschreiben auss den weitberh?mpten Landschafften China, Japon u? India,… Dikingen 1589 [10], 211pp.

213 Sutton, A. Oriss and its evangelization… Derby 1850

214 [Titcomb, J.H.]. Proposed church mission to the tribes on the northern Arrakan hill tracts of British Burma. Rangoon 1879

215 Weitbrecht, J.J. Protestant mission in Bengal…; being the substance of a course of lectures delivered on Indian missions. London 1844 Ed.2.

216 Weitbrecht, M. Female missionaries in India, letters from a missionary's wife abroad to a friend in England. London 1843

217 Wilkins, W.J. Daily life and work in India London 1888

218 Wolff, J. Researches and missionary labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other sects; during his travels between the years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bokhara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, teh HImmalaya Mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoostaun, teh Coast of Abyssinia, and Yemen. London 1835

219 Wylie, M. Bengal as a field of missions. London 1854

220 Yeates, T. Indian Church history; or,An Account of the first planting of the Gospel, in Syria, Mesopotamia, and India: with an accurate relation of the first Christian missions in China, … London 1818

221 Youngson, J.F.W. Forty years of the Panjab Mission of the Church of Scotland, 1855-1895. Edinburgh 1896

222 [Ziegenbalg, B. and J.E. Grundler]. A letter to the Reverend Mr. Geo. Lewis, … an account of the method of instruction used in the charity-shcools … in Tranquebar; by the Protestant missionaries there. London 1715

223 Ainslie, W. Materia indica; or Some account of those articles which are employed by the Hindoos, and other nations, in their medicine, arts and agriculture … London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green 1826 2vols. Ainslie, W. (1767-1836)

224 Klaproth, J.H. M?moires relatifs ? l'Asie, contenant des recherches historiques, geographiques et philologiques sur les peiples de l'Orient … Paris: de Dondey-Dupr? P?re et fils 1824-1828 3vols. Klaproth, J.H. (1783-1835)

225 Muddiman, A.P. The Law of Extradition from and to British India. Calcutta 1915 Piso, G. (1611-1678)

226 Piso, G. De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica. Amstelaedami: Apud L. et D. Elzevirios 1658

227 Annals of Indian Administration. Sermpore 1857-1875 V1.-19

228 Arquivos Indo-Portugueses de Medicina e Historia Natural. Orgao de Instituto Bacteriologico de Nova-Goa. Nova-Goa 1921-1927 4vols.

229 Bombay Quarterly Review.   Bombay 1855-1858 V.1-7  

230 Calcutta Journal of Politics and General Literature. Calcutta 1818-1823 Missing: 1822, V.4(194-195); 1823, V.1.

231 Calcutta Literary Gazette and Journal of Belles Lettres. Science and the Arts. Calcutta 1832-1834 V.1-10 Available: 1832. V.7.

232 Calcutta Magazine and Monthly Register Calcutta 1830-1832 V.1-3 Missing: 1832 V.2.

233 Calcutta Monthly Journal Calcutta 1798-1830; N.S. 1831-1834; S.3 1835-1841 V.1-65; N.S. V.66-79; S.3 V.1-7 Missing V.1-14; 18-19; 28; 43(340); 45(354); 65; 73(456)

234 Calcutta Weekly Notes Calcutta 1896-1965 V.1-69 Missing: V.44(p.92-124) and various other pages in V.44; 45; 46; 47

235 Comrade Delhi 1911-1914 V.1-8 Missing: 1911-1912. V.1-4

236 Delhi Mission News London 1895-1918 Missing: 1886(2-4)

237 Hindi Punch Bombay 1907-1931 V.1-49

238 Hindustan Review Allahabad 1897-1928 V.1-51 Missing: 1897-1900 ,V.1-2; 1903, V.7(3,4); 1907, V.15 (90, 91, 93); 1907, V. 16 (96, 98-100); 1908, V.17(101); 1916, V. 34(199, 205)

239 Indian Forester Allahabad, Calcutta 1875-1967. 1875-1967 V.1-93. Index 1875-1904, V.1-30 Missing: 1948. V.74 (6-7).

240 Indian Notes and Queries (including Panjab Notes and Queries, and North Indian Notes and Queries). Allahabad 1883-1887, 1891-1896 V.1-4; 1891-1896 ,V.1-5

241 Indian Review Madras 1900-1953 V.1-54 Missing: 1937, V.38(3); 1938, V.39(5); 1941, V.42(6, 8-10); 1942, V. 43(7-12); 1943-1947, V.44-48; 1948, V.49(4-5, 9-12); 1953, V.54(1, 3)

242 Journal of Oriental Reserch Madras 1927-1957/1958 V.1-27

243 Journal of Oriental Reserch of the University of Madras Madras 1937-1964 V.1-19 1945-1950 have not been published.

244 Journal of the Bombay Historical Society   Bombay 1928-1939 V.1-5  

245 Journal of the Gujarat Reserch Society Bombay 1939-1965 V.1-27(2) Missing: V.27(1)

246 Journal of the National Indian Association Journal of the National Indian Association. Cont. as: Indian Magazine. Bristol 1871-1885, 1886-1924 V.1-180, 181-630. Missing: V.53; V.73-84; V.288; V.434; V.539.

247 Journal of the Panjab Historical Society Lahore 1911-1929 V.1-10

248 Journal of the Panjab University Historical Society Lahore 1932-1960 V.1-11

249 Journal of the United Provinces Historical Society Calcutta, etc. 1917-1952, 1953-1957 V.1-25; N.S. V.1-5

250 Mittheilungen des Seminars f?r Orientalische Sprachen an der K?niglichen Friedrich Wilhelms-Universit?t zu Berlin. Berlin, Stuttgart 1898-1926 V.1-29

251 Mookerjee's Magazine Calcutta 1872-1875 V.1-4

252 Newsletter of the International Association of Orientalist Librarians Newsletter of the International Association of Orientalist Librarians. Cont. as: Bulletin of the Internatoinal Association of Orientalist Librarians. 1971-1975, 1976-1982 No.1-9, V.1-20

253 Oriental Baptist Calcutta 1847-1854, N.S. 11879-1880 1847-1854, V.1-8; N.S.1879-1880. V.1-2 Missing: O.S. 1847-1854. V.1-8

254 Oriental College Magazine Lahore 1925-1974 V.1-50 Missing: 1925, V.1(p.1-48; 2-4) ; 1926, V.2(2); 1944/45, V.21(1); 1946/47-1949/50, V.23(3-4)-V.25(1); 1960/61, V.37(1); 1963/64, V.40(2).

255 Oriental Herald and Journal of General Literature London 1824-1929 V.1-23

256 Orientalist A monthly journal of Oriental Literature, Art and Science, Folklore, etc.   Bombay 1884-1892 4vols.  

257 Oversea Education London 1929-1946/47 V.1-180, 181-630.

258 Patrika Dacca 1957-1974 V.1-19 Missing: 19471, V.15(4)-V.16(1); V.16(3).

259 Poona Sarvajanik Sabha   Poona 1878-1920 V.1-24 Missing: 1915/1916, V.19; 1917/1918, V.21(2); 1919/1920, V.23(1); 1920, V.24(3-4)

260 The Quarterly Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society The Quarterly Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society. Cont. as: Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society. Rajahmundry 9126-1928, 1929-1963 V.1-3, V.4-29

261 Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society. (Bangalore). Madras 1909-1970 V.1-58 Missing: V.4(3); V.33(2-3)

262 Report to the Committee on the Riouts in Poona and Ahmednagar   BOmbay 1875-1876  

263 Report from Commissioners, inspectors and others East India Decentralization Royal Commission 1908 London 1909 7vols.

264 Sanibarer Chithi A Bengali monthly journal Calcutta 1963-1969 V.36-41 Missing: 1968 V.40(7-12)

265 Simmond's Colonial Magazine and Foreign Miscellany Simmond's Colonial Magazine and Foreign Miscellany Cont. as: Colonial Magazine and East India Review 1844-1848, 1849-1852 V.1-15, V.16-19, 21-23 [V.20-22 are wrongly numbered V.21-23] Missing: 1849 V. 17(5, p.385-480)

266 Tamil Culture A quarterly review dedicated to the study and diffusion of Tamiliana Tuticorin 1952-1966 V.1-12

267 Transactions of the Bombay Geographic Society   BOmbay 1836-11873 V.1-19. Index V.1-17  

268 Transactions of the Bombay Literary Society   BOmbay 1819-1823 V.1-3  

269 British Burma Gazetteer Spearman, H.R. (Ed.) Rangoon 1879-1880 2vols

270 Statement of books printed in Ceylon and registered under Ordinance No.1 of 1885 Ceylon 1902-1921 Missing: 1905(3)-1906(1); 1915(2-4)-1916829

271 Annual lits and general index to the Parliamentary Papers relating to the East Indies ,1801-1907 London 1909

272 Civil Service Examinations papers relating to the question of holding simultaneous examinations in India an dEngland for the Indian Civil Service.   London 1894 Parliamentary Papers. V.60. Paper C.7378. 110pp.  

273 India House Library A short catalogue London 1933

274 Letters received by treh East India Company, from its Servants in the East. 1602-1617. Foster, W.(Ed.) London 1896-1902 V.1-6 Transcribed from the "original correspondence" series fo the India Office Records.

275 List of India Office Records London 1899 V.1-17

276 List of Parliamentary Collections in India, with index London 1913 Ed.3., 61pp.

277 Local Government correspondence between the Secretary of State for India and the various Local Governments. London 1883 Parliamentary Papers. V.51. Paper 93-I, II and app II. Including: Extra correspondence.

278 Papers relating to the admission of Natives to the Civil Service of India.   London 1879 Parliamentary Papers. V.55. Paper C.2376. 31pp.  

279 Parliament. House of Commons East India. Parliamentary papers, relating to the East Indies. London 1909 Account and Papers, V.64.

280 Report of the Indian Famine Commisiion London 1880 Parliamentary Papers. V.52. Paper C.2591, C.2735. Iv, 185pp.

281 Report of the Indian Famine Commisiion. Pt. III. Famine History. [London] 1881 Parliamentary Papers. V.71. Paper C.3086, C.3086-I, C.3086-II. 264, 235, 86pp.

282 Report of the Indian Famine Commission London 1881 Parliamentary Papers. V.71C. Paper C.3086-IV, C.3086-V. 477, 155pp.

283 Selection and training of candidates for the Indian Civil Service. Report of a Comission of 1854.   London 1876 Paper C.1446. 326pp.  

284 Selections from Despatches, addressed to the Government of India by the Secretary of State in Council, 1858-1936 London 1859-1937 V.1-79 Missing: 1892. V.35

285 Statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and condition of India London 1861-1937 V.1-70 This report contains comprehensive surveys of developments in all fields of interest to the government of India. Each volume contains a detailed index. A very useful seires.

286 A Handbook to the Records of the Government of India in the Imperial Record Department, 1748-1859 Calcutta 1925 158pp., tab., appendices, index.

286 The Imperial Gazetteer of India Oxford 1907-1909 26vols. New Edition

287 Index to the Land Revenue Record, 1830-1859 Delhi 1940-1942 2vols.

287 The Imperial Gazetteer of India. District Series Calcutta, Bombay etc. 1822-1945 Text and Statistics. Including printed guide.

288 List of Finance Department records in the Imperial Record Office, Calcutta, 1805-1908 Calcutta 1909

288 The Imperial Gazetteer. Privincial Series. Calcutta 1908-1909 19vols.

289 List of Foreign Department Records in the Imperial Record Office, Calcutta, 1756-1859 Calcutta 1906-1907 2vols.

290 List of Foreign Department Records in the Imperial Record Office. Pt. 3. Persian records from 1759-1878 Calcutta 1909 44pp.

291 List of Home Department Records in the Imperial Record Office, Calcutta, 1749-1892 Calcutta 1904-1905 2vols. Suppl.

292 List of Military Department Records in the Imperial Record Office, Calcutta, 1774-1901 Calcutta 1908 3vols.

293 Lists of Public Works Department Records in the Imperial Record Office, Calcutta, 1880-1894. Calcutta 1910 12, 257pp.

294 Press list of ancient documents preserved in the Imperial Record Room of the Government of India 1748-1800 Calcutta 1900-1916 V.1-17.

295 Press list of "Mutiny Papers",1857. A cillection of the correspondence of the mutineers at Delhi, reports of spies to English officials and other miscellaneous papers. Calcutta 1921 v., 423pp.

299 Benson, C. An account of the Kurnool district. Madras 1889

300 Boswell, J.A.C. A manual of the Nellore district Madras 1873

301 Carmichael, D.F. A manual of the district of Vizagapatam. Madras 1869

302 Chetty, N.G. A manual of the Kurnool district in the Presidency of Madras. Madras 1886

303 Cox, A.F. A manual of the North Arcot district in the Presidncy of Madras. Madras 1895 2vols.

304 Crole, C.S. Chingleput district manual. Madras 1879

305 Dykes, J.W.B. Salem, an Indian collectorate. London 1853

306 Garstin, J.H. A manual of the South Arcot district. Madras Presidency. Madras 1878

307 Gribble, J.D.B. A manual of the district of Cuddapah in the Presidency of Madras. Madras 1875

308 Grigg, H.B. A manual of the Nilgiri district in the Presidency of Madras. Madras 1880

309 Kelsall, J. Manual of the Bellary district. Madras 1872

310 La Fanu, J.H. A manual of the Salem district. Madras 1883 2vols.

311 Mackenzie, G. A manual of the Kistna district of the Presidency of Madras. Madras 1883

312 Maltby, T.J. The Ganjam district manual. Leman, G.D. (Ed.) Madras 1882

313 Moore, L. A manual of the Trichinopoly district. Madras 1878

314 Morris, H. A descriptive and historical account of the Godaviry district. London 1878

315 Nicholson, F.A. The Coimbatore district manual. Madras 1898

316 Row, T. Venkaswami. A manual of the district of Tanjore. Madras 1883

317 Stuart, A.J. A manual of the Tinnevelly district. Madras 1879

318 Aufrecht, T. Catalogus Catalogorum. An alphabetical register of Sanskrit works and authors. Leipzig 1891-1896 2pts.

319 Benares. Sanskrit College List of Sanskrit, Jaina and Hindi MSS, purchased by order of Goevrnment and deposited in the Sanskrit College, Benares during 1902-1918/1919. Allahabad 1904-19119 Missing: 1907-1908; 1913/1914-1914/1915.

320 Benares. Sanskrit University Library A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS acquired for and deposited in the Sanskrit University Library, (Sarasvati Bhavana), Varanasi (Benares), during the years 1791-1950 Benares 1962-1965 V.8-12 Missing: V.1-7

321 Bik?ner. Library of H.H. The Mah?r?ja. A catalogue of Sanskrit MSS in the library of His HighnessThe Mah?r?ja of Bik?ner. Calcutta 1880

322 Bombay. Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. A descriptive catalogue of the Samskrta and Pr?krta MSS in the Library of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.   Bombay 1925-1930 4pts.  

323 Bombay. University Library A descriptive Catalogue of the Samskrta and Prakrta MSS in the Library of the University of Bombay. Bhagvatsinghji Collection and H.M. Bhandhamkar Collection.   Bombay 1944 2vols.  

324 Calcutta. Sanskrit College Library. A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS in the Library of the Calcutta Sanskrit College. Calcutta 1895-1909 V.1-12

325 Central Provinces and berar Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS in the Central Provinces and berar. Nagpur 1926

326 Jammu and Kashmir. Raghun?tha Temple Library. Catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS in the Raghun?tha Temple Library of his Higness the Mahar?j? of Jammu and Kashmir. Prepared by M.A. Stein. BOmbay 1894

327 Mithila. A descriptive catalogue of MSS in Mithila. Patna 1927-1940 4vols.

328 Canarese Council for World Mission Archives 1775-1940/ London Missionary Society. Incomming letters 1817-1927 SOAS, London Including inventory on microfiche

329 Canarese Council for World Mission Archives 1775-1940/ London Missionary Society. Reports. 1866-1940 SOAS, London

330 Christian literature. Statistical Reports. 1918-1945 Christian Literature in India: … by A.C. Clayton 1918. Indian Chrisitian Literature: a New Appeal by N. Macnicol, 1928. Correspondence by A.C. Clayton; J.Z. Hodge; K. Maclennan; Mc Leish; R .Mercer; J.R. Mott; N.R. Mukherji; W.J. Noble; W. Paton; A.L. Warnshuis; W.H. Warren; WIlson and Ruth Ure. Statistics: Mission and Church Statistics 1922. Figures extracted from Census of India 1931, showing total population and number of Christians by areas 1933. Census figures 1941. Correspondence of W. Paton regarding figures of Census of 1941. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

331 Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. (From 1891, The Christian Literature Society for India). Minutes 1864-1973. Ceneral Committee 1897-1935. Minutes. Finance and General Purpose Committee 1883-1935. Minutes. Christian Litrerature Society for India Trust Association 1898-1937. Minutes. Publication Committee 1910-1931. Minutes. Christian Literature Society, Madras Branch 1896-1906. Minutes. SOAS, London United Society for Christian Literature Archives, 1799-1960.

332 Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. (From 1891, The Christian Literature Society for India). Letter Books 1859-1904, Home Letter Books 1904-1931. Foreign Letter Books 1897-1913. Madras Correspondence - Murdoch volume 1859-1869. SOAS, London United Society for Christian Literature Archives, 1799-1960.

333 Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. (From 1891, The Christian Literature Society for India). Miscellaneous Papers of the Madras Branch 1900-1950. Press Cuttings concerning the work of the Christian Literature Society 1858-1871. SOAS, London United Society for Christian Literature Archives, 1799-1960.

334 Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. (From 1891, The Christian Literature Society for India). Annual Reports 1859-1865. Annual Reports of the Bengal Branch of the Christian Vernacular Society 1866, 1869, 1870-1877, 1880-1883, 1885-1891. Annual Reports of the Christian Literature Society for North India 1894-1901. Annual Report of the Madras Branch of teh Christian Vernacular Education Society of India 1884-1902. 46th-55th Annual Reports 1904-1913. 56th-63th Annual Reports 1914-1921. Annual Report of the Ceylon Branch of the Christian Literature Society for India. 1919-1920. 64th-69th Annual Reports 1922-1927. 1st The South India Christian School Book Society. 1855. 3rd-4th Annual Reports 1857-1859. The 1st, 3rd-18th Madras Branch of teh Christian Vernacular Society for India. 1855, 1857-1877. 20th-25th Annual Reports. 1878-1884. SOAS, London United Society for Christian Literature Archives, 1799-1960.

335 Christian Vernacular Education Society for India. (From 1891, The Christian Literature Society for India). Catalogue of the Christian Vernacular Literature of India With Hints on the Management of Indian Tract Societies, compiled by John Murdoch, 1870. India's Christian Literature, by John Murdoch, 1885. Indian Missionary Conference held in Madras, Dec.11th-18th, 1902. Report of teh FOurth Decennial. 1902. What We Believe Today About The Old Testament, by L.D. Weatherhead. 1824 The Madras District Committee of teh Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. FIrst Report. 1821 The Madras District Committee of teh SPCK. Second Report. 1832. The Madras Diosesan Committee of teh SPCK Reporet. 1875. History of the SPCK, 1698-1898, by W.O.B. Allen and Edumund McClure. 1898. Memoirs of teh SPCK, by Rev. W. Taylor. 1847. Notes on teh origins of teh work of teh Religious Tract Society, London in CHina, chiefly in Hankow, by an unknown author. 1948. Books and Tracts, teh Newsletter of teh Religious Tract Society, Hankow. 2 issues. a) No. 87, October 1940. b) No.97, July 1950. SOAS, London United Society for Christian Literature Archives, 1799-1960. Papers, reports, etc.

336 Education. Postwar educational development in India Sargent report 1944. NCC Committee on high schools 1951-1953. NCC Central Adult Education Committee 1949-1958. Survey of Bible schools 1956. Non-Christian teaching in Chrisitian schools 1948-1958. India Sunday School Union 1942-1949; 1953-1960. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Societies Archives 1912-1970

337 Educaiton. America Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education 1931-1937. Minutes, papers for meetings, folders, etc. Correspoendence Paton / A.E. Armstrong, W. Chamberlain, A.H. Clark, R.E> Diffendorfer, Leslie Moss, J.R. Mott, A.L. Warnshuis. SOAS, London Th eJoint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945

338 Educaiton. British Advisory Committee on Christian Higher Education 1931-1936. Proposals, memos, folders, minutes, etc. Correspondence of Paton / Canon A.W. Davies, Lindsay, Macnicl and W.J. Noble. Cranswick; F.W. Hawkins; A.S. Kydd; Gordon Matthews; Elenor McDougall; G.E. Phillips; H.T. Vodden and Cusack Walton. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

339 Education. Central Board of Christian Higher Education 1931-1948. Minutes, reports, folders and memos. Correspondence of Paton / A.W. Davies; T.W. Gardiner and P.O. Phillip. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

340 Education. Colleges in India 1928-1943. Allahabad Christian College, Allahabad. Andhra Christian College, Guntur. Andhra Union Theological Seminary. C.M.S. College, Kottayam. Christ Church College, Cawnpore. Diocesan College for Women, Calcutta. Ewardes College, Peshawar. Forman Christian College, Lahore. Madras CHristian College Madras. Meston Training College. Methodist College, Bankura. Nobel eCollege, Masulipatam. St.Andrew's College, Gorakhpur. St. John's College, Agra. St.Stephan College, Delhi. Scottish Church College, Bengal. Sophia R.C. College, Bombay. Union Christian College, Alwaye. Union CHristian School, Bishnupur. Union CHristian Training College, Berhampore. Wilson College, Bombay. Women's Christian College, Madras. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

341 Education. Commission on Higher Education 1929-1932. Proposals, resolutions, minutes, etc. Correspondence of Paton / C.W.Andrews; S. Higginbottom; E/D. Lucas; Miss McDougall; Leslie Moss; J.R. Mott, H.W. Peet; Findlater Stewart and C.W.G. Taylor. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

342 Education. General 1911-1940 Missionary Educational Union of Panjab. Missionary Education Council foSOuth India, correspondence W. Meston. Statement showing proportion of pupils educated in Mission High Schools in India. Share of British Missionary Societies in India. Statistics of missionary work in India. Figures for several arts colleges in India. Educational Situation. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

343 Education. High School Survey 1928-1935. Minutes, circulars, reports, etc. Correspondence Paton / Miss van Doren; G.V. Job; Miss E. Mackenzie and Kingsley Williams SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

344 Education. Indian Chrisitian Colleges Appeal 1933-1938. Correspondence with British Societies re. Appeal. Minutes of meetings, financial reports, memoranda, etc. Correspondence Paton / B.C. Harrington, Al.L. Warnshuis. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

345 Education. Policy 1911-1920. Education in Madras. Education Committee: Women's education. Educational Codes in British India. Notes on education in India. Association for Christian education of women I nteh East. Circular to provincial representative councils, India. Universities of Dacca and Patna. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

346 Education. Printed Material 1938-1946. Reserch Studies in the Economic & Social Environment of the Indian Church, undertaken by Christian College of India, inpreparation for I.M.C. Tambaram 1938, under auspices of Central Board of Chr. Higher Education. The Rural Church in the Punjab by E.D. Lucas & F. Thakur Das. The Church in CHota Nagpur by S.K. ROy. Economic Environment of teh Church in U.P. ( The Economic Implications of Conversion) by N. Timoth. Research Studies by Christian Colleges, undertaken under teh auspices of Central Board of Christian HIgher Education; Christian Community of Madura; Ramnad & Tinnevelly by J.S. Ponniah. Study of Economic Status & Self support of Church of FOur Protestant Missions in Andhra Area by J.B. Williams. Economic Background of Church in U.P. by E.C. BHatty. Social & Economic Environment of Christian Population in Bombay CIty by J. Kellock. Study of 23 Christian Rural Groups in U.P. by W.H.Wiser. The Indian Christian Churches of Bangalore. The rural Church in Bengal by Prof. M,N,Biswas. Study of Emigration in Relation to Life of teh Tinnevelly CHurch by M.V. Subrahmanyam. Three Types of CHristian Community in Central India by P.R. Langar & W.S. Taylor. Economic & Social Environment of CHurch in North Travancore & Coohin[sic] by Mrs. P.C.Joseph. Bankura Christian Community by C.F. Ball. Indian Journal of Adult Education V.I. (no.4, Jnue 1941); V.2 (no.5, August 1941). Post-War Educational Development in India: Report by Central Advisory Board of Education. Ed.4. Jan. 1944. Truth about teh Travancore Educational Policy by Joseph Thaliath. Legerdemain with WOrds: teh Travancore Education by I.C. Chacko. before & After: Parliamentary Delegation and Travancore. Leading articles fr. Malabar Mail. Christians and teh Educational Problem in Travancore. Memorandum submitted by Christans of Travancore to H.E. teh Crown Reporesentative in India. memorial submitted by Christians of Travancore to H.H. teh Maharaja of Travancore. mamorandum by Catholic Bishops to H.H. teh Maharaja of travancore. Memorial submitted to H.H. teh Maharaja by teh Catholics of Travancore. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

347 Education. Theological 1919-1941. Serampore College: Correspondence J.H. Oldham; Paton; G.E. Phillips; J.A. Stuart; C.E. Wison, etc. Future Policy. Post-Lindsay Commission plans. Minute of Senate of Serampore College. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

348 Education. Theological 1927-1942 United Theological College, Bangalore. Bishop's College, Calcutta. North India United Theological College, Saharanpur. Proposed United Theological College, malabar. Union Theological Seminary, Pasumalai. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

349 Education. Theological 1927-1947. Henry Martyn School fo Islamics: Minutes fo Committee of Management. British Societies' Support. Proposal to American Societies for financial support. Committee on work among Muslims. Correspondence Paton / Kenneth Maclennan, H.U.W. Stantion, Murray Titus, A.L. Warnshuis, Norman Goodall / Nicol Macnicol; Murray Titus. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

350 Educaion. Village Educational Commission 1916-1930 Minutes , memoranda, notes. Correspondence of Bishop; C.H. Brent; S.K. Datta; A.G. Fraser; S. Higginbottom, J.A. Maclean; W.J. Mckee; Miller; S.C. Mukerji; K.T. Paul; etc. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

351 Education. Women 1916-1949. Minutes, leaflets, correspondence of: Missionary Medical College for Women, Vellore. Missionary Settlement for University Women, Bombay. St. Andrew's Missionary Training College, madras. Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore. St. Christopher's Training COllege, Vepery, Madras. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

352 Mass Movement survey & evangelism 1929-1936. Mass Movement. Finance. Proposals, minutes, folders, etc. Correspondence of: H.E. Lord Irwin /W. Paton; W. Paton / R.E. Diffendorfer; W. Paton / Dornakal; W. Paton / Alexander McLeish; W. Paton / Dr. Mott; W. Paton / W. Wilson. Mass Movement Mid-India. Mass Movement Travancore. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

353 Printed material. India: a Call to Service. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

354 Printed material. Practical Book: India. 1942. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

355 Printed material. India on the Treshold. 1948. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

356 Printed material. Looking at India. 1950. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

357 Printed material. Indian Opportunity. 1961. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

358 Printed material. This is our Life: Central India. 1962. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

359 Printed material. Out and Bout in India. 1963. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

360 Printed material. The Bible Speaks Today: Acts in South India. 1964. SOAS, London Conference of British Missionary Archives 1912-1970.

361 Printed material 1919-1957. Rural reconstruction in India by F.L. Brayne. Reports by Norman Goodall; A.M. Chirgwin and H. Leonard Hurst. Lectures to Kodai Kanal Conference by Stephen Neill. Report of the Royal Commission on agriculture in India. Memo on Problems of child marriage and maternal mortality in India by Leanor Rathbone. SOAS, London The Joint IMC/CBMS Missionary Archives India 1910-1945.

362 Printed material Reports 1863-1871. Reports Presbyterian Church of Rangoon 1872-1906. SOAS, London Presbyterian Church of England. Foreign Missions Archives, 1847-1950. Foreign Mission Committee.

363 Baptist Missionary Society Archives. Inventory (MS) to Archives. Document on: West Indies, South Asia, South East Asia, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Congo, Angola, China. Zug 1978